
The Karl Rove Distraction Maneuver.

Article: The White House took a baby step toward lifting the cone of silence that it has placed around the Karl Rove controversy on Tuesday, offering in response to a question that "yes", President Bush continues to have confidence in his deputy chief of staff and top political advisor.

And in answer to demands from Democrats that Rove's security clearance be revoked, the White House intoned that he has the "appropriate" security clearance.

Politically, though, the White House needs to have something else to say besides "we are not going to comment on an ongoing investigation."

They have commented on it extensively in the past.

In the political world of the White House, though, perhaps Rove's greatest transgression is that he has become a "distraction" for a President who is desperately trying to stay on message this summer -- to get a significant piece of his second term agenda through Congress before the August recess.

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