
Now I can take a breather. It's been a long week, starting a new job, trying to make some sense of the Universe. I often forget time does not travel in a linear fashion. Or it may, but only when you look backwards at the past. Then it's put in logical order and can be laid on a line and labeled. (That happened, then this,then that...) I have been looking at Time a bit differently as I've seen more of it. I compare to a mushroom cloud or another chaotic event. Blips on the timeline are moving in all directions, up, down backwards. There is no One direction. Only the artists, story tellers and dreamers move in the same fashion. And that, my friend, is where the lines blur. That difference in perspective is what causes the rift between the pragmatist and the idealist, between the red and blue, between the rock and the roll. There is no one line of time. It's different for the individual. We all are using our time exactly how we need to. Alan remined me that the Cosmos moves at a very different rate than we do and we fit in somewhere, even if we can't tell where. In the meantime, I'm going to drink some tea.

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