
It was great to see Paul and Tami last night. Tami is trying to get her swim school built and is having trouble finding investors. Do you know anyone who wants to invest $90,000? All she needs are two people. But it's nice to see familiar faces. As I write this my thoughts turn negative. They turn to the topic of the moment (read: worry of the moment) I find the worry to be counter-productive. Worry will not make me find a job quicker. Worry will not make me happy. Worry is a safe haven. I know worry. I am comfortable surrounded by worry. My worry is special. My worry is powerful. So far, my worry has been counter-productive. But no more. From this moment on, I am taking control of this issue. I don't insist on much control in my life. I have built it up in my head that control = rigidity. But now I'm thinking a bit differently. I still feel like there can be too much control (we all know people who have that affliction) but conversely, there can be too little control as well. My life has been tootling forward without any attention paid to it. Not worry attention, but responsibility attention. I'm starting now. I will accept responisibility for all aspects of my life.

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