
Democratic leaders in the House juggle hearings:

Let's see... I'll need room number two tomorrow for the Prosecutor scandal testimony.

Can't. Walter Reed scandal's in two. You'll have to use room number three.

But three's being used for the FBI illegal spying investigation. What about room one?

No good. That's for the Katrina hearings. Oh wait, never mind, that's Lieberman's committee...nothing scheduled there. You can have room one.

Hold up there, pard'ner. I reserved room one for the Valerie Plame scandal. Use room four.

Nah, four's taken. Investigation into bogus reasons for going to war.

Five? Nope. Torture scandal's in five.

Six? No can do. War profiteering scandal.

Seven? Nope. Subprime lending scandal.

Eight? Sorry. Abramoff scandal.

Nine? Booked. GSA scandal.

Ten? Nope. Boehner ethics scandal.

Boehner? Really?

Shook down a Girl Scout. Made off with 43 bucks and a case of thin mints.

How about room eleven?

That's the men's room. But it's wide open.

Fine. I'll take it.

From Kos

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