
The world lost a hero on Sunday when Marla Ruzicka, an energetic, tireless advocate for war victims, was killed in Iraq on Sunday in a suicide bomb attack. In just 28 years, Marla achieved more than many of us will be able to accomplish in a full lifetime.

In Afghanistan and Iraq, Marla went door-to-door to document the affects of U.S. military operations on the lives of civilians, bringing to light the human consequences of war. Marla pursued a one-woman lobbying campaign to obtain relief for the families of victims which resulted in congressional approval of civilian aid totalling $10 million in Afghanistan and $20 million in Iraq. Marla sought to make our government and military more accountable for their actions, and she did so by taking direct, personal action. Unfortunately, it also cost Marla her life.

Marla's work will continue through the organization she founded, Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict. You can honor her by sending donations in her memory to CIVIC, at P.O. Box 1189, Lakeport, CA 95453.

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