
Today I went to the mall. I haven't been to a mall in many years. A city mall, sure. But this...remember, I'm in the Country now. The mall I went to is near Travis Air Force Base. I have not seen that many tattoos since I walked around the Castro in SF. Lots of angry males and equally angry females (with justifiably angry kids...) What an interesting snapshot of american life. I remember this particular mall during the Eighties. It's where we hung out. We would save our quarters to go play video games in the "Gold Mine",the only arcade we had access to. Sure, it was a bit shady, but there was an innocence about the place. I'm not simply complaining about how "kids today have no respect" or "back in my day we had manners" Blah blah blah. No this is a formal complaint lodged against the adults invoved in this new scenario. Here's the equation I saw today: Ignorance + Love of fashion - Finesse X Volume of Voice = The Desire to spend Money on Useless Garbage Made in Sweat Shops. Yes folks, here is a way of life worth sending your kids to fight and die for. Here is a way of life worth imposing on all other "less fortunate" nations. They must not have heard the news. Yes, it's true! Their day could consist of getting marketed to, feeling bad about themself, and buying crap that they will sell at a garage sale in a few years so they can afford to pay their cable bill so they can watch the Super Bowl. By the way, I hear there are still thousands of innocent children scarred for life after witnessing a bare breast for 1/3 of a second during a half-time show a year ago.
The mall was very colorful. May all the Gods bless america.

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