
The one thing I wish I could do is fly. If I could fly, I would be the best at hide and seek. Of course I don't play much hide and seek anymore, but when I was a kid it would have come in handy. I could fly up in a tree or onto the roof and no one would ever find me. I would have been the hide and seek champion. I've had dreams I was flying. My favorite part (and I remember this clearly) was the take-off. I would run as fast as I could and I would feel the space between my feet and the pavement grow. It wasn't a quick process. It was as if I had to warm up the air under my feet by friction before I could lift off. Once I started to rise, I would get a turn in my stomach. Not a queesy turn but a feeling of intense motion. I could actually feel gravity reversing and pull me up into the air. And for some reason in my recurring flying dream I was always playing hide and seek. And I always wanted to be the Champion. Every year, for as long as I can remember, my birthday wish would be "I wish I could fly" I'm not kidding, this was my standard wish. If I ever blew a dandelion or held my breath in a tunnel, I would wish fo the gift of flight. I knew if I wished often enough, and earnestly enough, it would come true. Hmm, it never did. Maybe I should have wished for peace of mind. Nah, that would be boring.

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