
gavin is keepin it real

Gavin Newsom: Historic Day for Marriage Equality
Today, the Connecticut Supreme Court took an historic step by joining California and Massachusetts in the fight to provide marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples. The Court's decision to overturn Connecticut's ban on equal marriage rights indicates that all across the country, communities are reaching the conclusion that separate is not equal, and that we should not harm our friends, neighbors and coworkers by denying them equal treatment under the law.

Our task now is to protect marriage equality at the ballot box in California by voting No on Proposition 8.

Please join me and support the No on 8 campaign.

Tune in this Saturday at 11AM PST for my radio show on Green 960 AM in the Bay Area or stream it online. The founder of Daily Kos, Markos Moulitsas is my first guest. We talk presidential politics, marriage equality and the economy. Markos is predicting a blow out for Obama and the Democrats in November:

"See, here's the deal -- we're going to win the White House, we're going to win big in the Senate, and we're going to rack up big gains in the House. Republicans know this and are preparing for the worst. Now think of 2004 -- we really thought Kerry was going to pull it off. Remember that? And remember how utterly devastated we were when Bush pulled it off? The pain was so much worse because we expected to win." - Markos 10/09/08

But Markos says the 2010 election is another story. Markos thinks that Democrats have only two years to radically transform this country or they may lose a number of seats in 2010.

In the second half of the show, California Senate President pro Tempore-elect Darrell Steinberg joins the show to talk California politics. Pro Tempore-elect Steinberg talks about improving education in California, the state budget and what his goals are for his new position.

Listen live this Saturday at 11AM on Green 960 AM.

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