
My Promise

I promise to create my own universe. I will do this by remembering love and savoring creation.

I promise to live in still water unless a wave must be created. I will do this by remembering mirror mind and summoning the God within me when needed.

I promise to provide my temple with the nutrition it needs to soldier on. I will do this by being aware of its needs and listening to its call.

I promise to provide the necessary physical material in my space. I will do this by committing myself to generating a steady income.

I promise to love my universe to the extent of my ability, even when obstacles seem to be in the way. I will do this by remembering the ultimate truth of life and feeling with all senses available.

I promise to cherish all that has happened in the past because it is a miracle. I will do that by remembering the eternity of each present moment in the past.

I promise to cultivate relationships with the people around me, no matter what their background is, where they were born or how old they are. I will do this by continuing to treat others how I expect to be treated.

I promise to hold the golden future in front of me. I will do this by living the golden present in front of me.

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