
Will you live forever? Nope. Neither will I. I guess we have that in common. We were all born too. Those are the two things we all have in common, no matter what. Birth and Death. What goes on between those points is up for grabs. No one knows what the next day will bring. Uncertainty is guaranteed. Not knowing. Anyone who pretends to know or has the audacity to tell me what I should do with my tomorrow is a fool. Tomorrow is a miracle, if it happens. This may seem dark, but it's really not. In fact, it's the most real statement I can make: I have no idea what will happen tommorow. Is that why we choose to live in our memories, our past? Can we fix the past? Nope, because it's gone. This is what's cool about the internet..."now" does not disappear into only fallible human memory..."now" is allowed to be recorded as data.

I think I am going to get some ice cream. I think there is only vanilla left. That's ok because there is chocolate sauce there as well.

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