

I'm here today to talk about voices. Where does your voice come from? We, as a humans, have to decide where and how our voice is to be heard (if at all) There is not just one voice. We all are made up of numerous voices happening simultaneously. Yes, you too. Think about it. You have more than one voice advising you at every turn, every decision. Don't think you do? Just pause a minute and don't think about anything. Do you hear the voice that's saying "nothing...nothing...nothing.."? Who is that? Is it you? Try to silence the voice, if even for a minute.

Now, I'm not saying this in terms of "Oh, the schizophrenic voices made me do it..." No, I'm talking about sane, rational, NORMAL voices. Voices we've heard and maybe ignored all of our lives. Voices that tell us to do the right thing. Sometimes we listen to them and sometimes we don't. Should we always listen? Who knows. I guess only time will tell if we are living it right. I think the voices might be confused as we are. Or else why would they be arguing all the time? Intuituion is a powerful and wonderfully real thing.

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